Self Defence

Self-Defence is not the art of learning to fight. So what is it?

At Empowerment Trust, we define Self-Defence as the art of using your awareness, taking charge and stopping a person who is trying to hurt you so that you can go and get help.

Our Fullpower workshops include working with one of our padded instructors so that once you have learned the techniques, practised them in the air and on pads, you practise full force self-defence with the padded instructor. This way your body memory will kick in if ever you are in a real situation. If you extrapolate this out a little you can see that even though we initially think of  self-defence in physically dangerous situations, it can apply elsewhere. If someone says something hurtful to you how do you stop that and if need be go and get help?

As with all things Empowerment Trust we focus here on the positive – speaking to what we want rather than what is already happening. We draw on our Fullpower Seven Keys to Safety to guide people in keeping themselves, and others they know, safe including practising Boundary Setting – how we speak and what we say. These workshops are fun even though they deal with a serious topic.

Our primary prevention programmes support communities to develop self-defence skills for Youth and Adults.




Explore how we can work with you

We offer primary prevention for Early Childhood, Children, Youth, Adults, Different Abilities, People facing other life challenges, Corporate and Teacher PLD.

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