Our Te Tiriti Journey

Our Connection

The whakatauki iti rearea, kahikatea tei tei, ka taea meaning “even the small bellbird can ascend to the heights of the kahikatea tree”. This whakataukī was chosen to exemplify our belief that all people with the right guidance and support can learn, grow and reach their full potential.

We know that in order for our programmes to reach people from different backgrounds we must better understand their worldview.

Our vision and intention is to embed tikanga Māori into our everyday practice through,

  • Systems improvement
  • Learning and training for staff
  • Review workshop content

Actions to support the Strategy

What we already do:

  • Incorporate tikanga in our workshops and regular staff and client hui
  • Contracted support from a Cultural Advisor (with experience in primary prevention work)
  • Staff Meetings with our Cultural Advisor bi-monthly for support
  • Create an online space for te reo and tikanga Māori resources, eg. Google Classroom
  • staff trainings/time alloted for contractors to attend workshops, build Te Reo skill and Whanaungatanga.
  • review our printed materials/website to ensure Tikanga is present in all our resources where possible
  • Create a cultural competency checklist for all kaimahi

How we will expand our journey going forward

Na Te Kore, Te Pō

Ki te Whai-Ao

Ki te Ao-Mārama

Tihei mauri-ora

From the void, the night

To the glimmer of dawn

To the bright light of day

There is life

  • Embed tikanga Māori in our organisation policies
  • Encourage kaimahi to make greetings in te reo Māori and include Māori words in delivery
  • Ensure correct macron or double vowel use in written communication
  • Create organisational values and embed Māori values such as, manaakitanga, whanaungatanga and kotahitanga
  • Ask for support and guidance from local hapū and iwi where appropriate, eg. consult when delivering to Māori organisations
  • Incorporate short activities into regular staff hui, eg. facilitators present activity with support from Cultural Advisor (eg. Kahoot)
  • Offer options for cultural training for kaimahi, including Te Tiriti o Waitangi and understanding the impacts of colonisation
  • Team Building activities such as Wall Walk, Online Training or other professional development

Let's Kōrero

Let's talk about primary prevention in our whānau, our communities, and Aotearoa. We're looking forward to hearing from you.

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