Safe, Healthy & Respectful Relationships

At Empowerment Trust, we believe that everyone deserves to have safe, healthy and respectful relationships with their friends, whānau, colleagues, peers and partners. It is important to reflect on what a healthy relationships means to you and what you need to feel safe and respected.

Healthy relationship behaviours include:

  • Open, honest and assertive communication
  • Safety
  • Mutual Respect
  • Trust
  • Consent – free agreement together
  • Equal power – people make decisions together and no one person has ‘power over’ another person
  • Being able to spend time apart
  • Accountability and taking responsibility for one another’s actions
  • Being able to spend time with and communicate with whoever you want
  • Support

Our primary prevention programmes support communities to foster healthy relationships free from harm, including for Young ChildrenChildrenYouth, Adults, and Different Abilities.

If you are concerned about relationship behaviours, we encourage you to speak to someone you trust. There are some awesome support services for guidance including:

Explore how we can work with you

We offer primary prevention for Early Childhood, Children, Youth, Adults, Different Abilities, People facing other life challenges, Corporate and Teacher PLD.

Who We Serve

Check out our Training & Webinars

We offer programmes, workshops and webinars tailored to your community needs.

Training & Webinars